5 Quotes & Sayings By Renee Dyer

Renee is an entrepreneur, author, speaker, life coach and an advocate for the health and wellness of the human body. Renee has over twenty years experience in the health and beauty industry working with some of the biggest beauty companies in the world. She is the founder of Renee's Body Transformation Journey (RBTJ) which is a series of programs designed to empower individuals to take control of their own health, wellness and self-esteem with proven success strategies that are easy to follow.

In order to heal, you have to first be broken. Renee Dyer
I can't take this pain away for her. I can't make it better. It's all I want to do - make it better - make her feel better, but I understand grief. It's a bitch. Grief has to work itself out. It can either consume you or you can move on and at this point it's consuming her. Renee Dyer
On angel's wings, love flew in. Renee Dyer
I always thought high school was supposed to be a time for finding yourself, but I guess that's only if you fit into the mold people have made for you. Renee Dyer